Heather's Love Challenge

Showing Kindness to Ourselves

Showing Kindness to Ourselves

Instead of thinking that I need to clean and organize the whole craft room, I am challenging myself to put away 25 things in the craft room every day.

25 items aren’t very many things in a room that has been used as a dumping ground. I count everything I pick up and put away. That may be a poster board, and it may be a gum wrapper or anything in between. For the first 3 days, you couldn’t even tell that I did anything. I worked hard to show patience and trust that doing a little was better than doing nothing.

30 Ways to Spread Kindness

30 Ways to Spread Kindness

Kindness means looking outside of ourselves. It is about noticing the people around us and being aware of their needs. My sweet son Justin is a wonderful example of this. He is profoundly disabled and he has a lot of challenges, but he always takes the time to say hi,  smile at a stranger, or tel...
Virtue #2: Kindness

Virtue #2: Kindness

I’m curious about the inclusion of the virtue of kindness with the other attributes that follow. I would have said that most of the other attributes are all part of kindness. But it is really nice to focus on each small part, so I looked to see what Kindness actually is.  I looked at a lot of definitions of Kindness. Most of them were similar, but the one that I like the best is this one.

“Kindness is the quality of being gentle, caring, and helpful.”

Using patience to enjoy the journey

Using patience to enjoy the journey

I've been working on patience for 3 weeks now and I'm grateful that this has been on my mind. There were a lot of opportunities for me to practice patience over the last 3 weeks. One fun one was when we were driving Salt Lake for a funeral. We dropped off Justin in American Falls with his grandma...